Where is the City compost site and what can I drop off?
Residents can dispose of their yard waste by taking it to the City compost site located on Lakeshore Drive north of Duvall Street. Acceptable yard waste that can be disposed of at the compost site includes leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris. This term does not include stumps, brush, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.

The intent of yard waste and brush collection is to provide residents with the opportunity to dispose of items gathered from routine yard maintenance.
Yard waste collection:
- Spring cleanup will be the third Monday in April and the second Monday in May.
- Fall cleanup will be the second Monday in October and the first Monday in November.
- Residents must place leaves, grass, and garden waste in open containers or untied bags at the curb. Materials that do not compost will not be picked up.
- Do not place yard waste on tarps or in containers that cannot be lifted by one person. (If you can’t lift it, neither can we)
Grass cutting:
- Please do not blow grass clippings onto the street or in the curb. They will eventually end up in the storm sewer which adds phosphorous to our waterways.
- Excessive amounts of grass blown on the street or curb will be collected by the Public Works department at the owner’s expense.
Brush Collection:
- Brush collection will be on the fourth Monday of each month starting in April and going through October, weather permitting.
- Brush up to 3” in diameter is acceptable in lengths no greater than 12 feet.
- Brush up to 6” in diameter is acceptable in lengths no greater than 8 feet.
- Brush greater than 6” in diameter will not be accepted. Larger brush including stumps must be disposed of by the homeowner.
- Avoid cutting brush shorter than needed, as fewer pieces make less handling for Public Works employees.
- Lay brush in neat piles with the butt end at the curb. Brush in ally’s will not be collected.
- Do not put brush at the curb any sooner than 72 hours prior to collection day. Brush should be on the curb before Monday morning. Brush not at the curb when Public Works employees come by, will not be picked up. If immediate pickup is requested, you will be billed for the labor and equipment charges for the Public Works employees to come back.
- Clearing of brush on lots with the intent to build or sell the lot will not be picked up. The intent of the pickup is to provide for disposal of brush generated as a result of routine yard maintenance. Excessive amounts of brush at the curb may be refused or a fee will be charged to the homeowner. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to remove and cleanup whole trees that are cut down.
- Brush accumulated from contractors will not be accepted. The contractor or homeowner will be responsible for disposing of that brush.
Leaf Collection:
- Leaf collection will begin on the second Tuesday in October and end on the third Monday in November, weather permitting.
- Leaves may be raked into the street, along the curb at that time.
- This pickup is intended for leaves only. Excessive amounts of other materials (grass, sticks, rocks, dirt, etc.) will be refused and be the responsibility of the property owner to dispose of.
Christmas tree collection:
- Christmas trees will be collected on the first and third Monday’s in January.
- Place trees with the butt end at the curb.
- All ornaments, lights, decorations, and stands must be removed. The homeowner will be responsible for disposing of the tree if these items are not removed.
- Do not place trees at the curb more than 24 hours before collection to ensure they do not get buried with snow from plow trucks.
City of Kewaunee Compost Site:
- The compost site is located on Lakeshore Dr .25 miles north of Duvall St.
- The compost site is intended for City of Kewaunee residents only.
- Residents can drop off grass, leaves, yard and garden waste at any time. Containers and bags must be taken with the resident.
- Brush, stumps, dirt, gravel, stones, concrete or any other materials that do not compost will not be accepted.
- Residents may take compost and woodchips for their own personal use at any time.
Please contact City Hall at (920) 388-5000 with any questions regarding yard waste and brush collection.