Incorporated as a city on April 3, 1883, the City of Kewaunee operates under the mayor-council form of government, with an elected Mayor and two aldermen from each aldermanic district. The Mayor and eight (8) Aldermen comprise the City Council and acts as the governing body. Such officers shall be elected for two-year terms at the regular city election in even-numbered years, except that one alderman shall be elected from each aldermanic district each year for a two-year term. In addition to these elected officials, the City's professional staff includes an appointed City Administrator, Clerk/Treasurer, City Attorney, Public Works Superintendent, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Librarian, Marina/Campground Manager and Building Inspector.
Residents are welcome to present their views of local issues under “Public Comment” without prior registration. Resident’s time will be limited to three minutes with a total time of thirty minutes available for public comment.

Jeff Vollenweider
705 N. Main Street
Phone: 388-3565
Email: [email protected]
Term Expires: April 2026
1st Aldermanic District


Roberta Jeanquart
Address: 318 Terraqua Drive
Phone: 703-209-4157
Term Expires: April 2026
2nd Aldermanic District

Russell Anderson
1122 Milwaukee Street
Phone: 608-712-0397
Email: [email protected]
Term Expires: April 2025

James Brewster
1017 Milwaukee Street
Phone: 255-7099
Email: [email protected]
Term Expires: April 2026
3rd Aldermanic District


Scott Oftedahl
708 Kilbourn Street
Phone: 414-975-3725
Email: [email protected]
Term Expires: April 2026
4th Aldermanic District

Jeffery Kohnle
1101 Plum Ct.
Phone: (920) 304-0178
Email: [email protected]
Term Expires: April 2025
Term Expires: April 2026